That’s a Wrap

We got the Mini packed up and hit the road around 9 pm on Friday. Shoehorned Mordecai into the back, squeezed Gill and a guitar into the passenger seat, and hit the road. We circled the Lincoln Tunnel about three times (just to make sure we had it completely surrounded), then found the actual entrance and aimed for home.
Headed west through New Jersey into Pennsylvania, then north through Scranton up to Syracuse. Sometime before Syracuse, around 1:30, we pulled into a rest station and let Mordecai out. He bounded for the open space, then stopped short of it on the sidewalk, not sure what to do. I said “go for it” and he took off to run through the grass for the sheer joy of it. He was a little less joyful when I told him to get back in the car.
The border was a breeze, especially considering I had been gone a month and returned with an iMac, a guitar, a dog, a whole lotta luggage and an American (all of which I brought down with me, but still, I would have looked suspicious to me).
We rolled into Oakville around 5 am, unloaded the car and went to bed.
Around 11, Jesse came by with Audrey (who apparently was sorely missed by Mordecai), and Dylan came up from his bedroom. We checked that everyone still had all their fingers and toes (and no tattoos), distributed the extravagant gifts we adoring parents had so lovingly picked out for the kids, and started the day.
Gotta go – grass needs cuttin’. Dear, sweet grass. I miss New York already.