I Had No Idea This Thing Was Televised. Boy, is My Face Red
Gill and I both worked from the apartment in the morning. Mordecai liked that. He appreciates having a full staff.
Around 1:30, we hopped in a cab up to the Ed Sullivan Theater for a taping of the Late Show with David Letterman. On the anniversary of the release of Abbey Road (thanks for the tip, Paul), there we were in the historic theatre where, in 1965, the Beatles played their first gig in North America.
In line with us was a young actress from Colorado. She’s been here since February, trying to make her mark. I think she’s taken some acting classes and done some karaoke. Whatever she may lack in talent, she makes up for in enthusiasm, so we figure she’ll be alright.
After we went through security, they warned us that Dave locks the washrooms for the duration of the show, so we’d better go ’round the corner to the Three Monkeys before we come back for 2:40. Three Monkeys was a very cool bar, and finding myself caught up in the excitement of it all, I made a strategic error. Instead of using the facilities, I had a beer to wash down the coffee I had on the way uptown.
Back at the theater, we were treated to an Alec Baldwin video laying out the do’s and don’t’s, then Eddie Brill warmed up the audience before the show. When he came out to chat for a few minutes before things officially got underway, Dave was Dave (we’re on a first-name basis now) – disarming, charming, and sharp as a tack, whether the camera’s on or not.
Dave did his monologue, then brought out Bono and Johnny Galecki, along with a few bits like the Top Ten List. Paul Shaffer and the CBS Orchestra entertained through the commercial time. By the time Kings of Leon took the stage, I was doing my best to look casual while seriously crossing my legs. When the show was over – and it flew by – we raced to a nearby Starbuck’s to join the lineup waiting for the washroom.
We walked back home down 8th Avenue. Gill and I caught up on some work from the afternoon, then Mordecai and I headed over to Union Square for a little exercise.
It was dark when we got back, partly because the days and getting shorter, and partly because it’s still damn near impossible to tire that dog out.
Went south on 8th Avenue and had dinner at Meme on Hudson. Probably our last meal on a patio, as the weather’s getting colder, but it was a good one. Came back, let the dog out and went to bed.