Helen Hayes Said If You Rest, You Rust. Today, We Rust

We got up reasonably early and made the trip to Starbucks for a latte. Had time for a quick breakfast before walking Dave and Cindy over to 8th Avenue to hail a cab for the airport. We bade them farewell, and I promptly returned to bed for a few hours.
In the afternoon, Gill took Mordecai for a run. I went back to Starbucks to reload, and caught up on the previous days’ blog entries.
We spent the rest of the day jostling for couch space with Mordecai, watching some football on TV. I believe my contributions to Gill’s Fantasy Football league draft have her firmly entrenched in last place.
We ventured out to Trader Joe’s in the evening to pick up some groceries. Made dinner at home with plans to get to bed early.
I will be counting concrete sheep in my dreams tonight. “Sheep Station”, an art installation at a defunct gas station on 10th Avenue and 24th Street, made quite an impression when it opened this weekend. Mordecai’s still trying to figure out what the hell’s going on.